Kingdom Builders Blog

Stewardship of Influence: A Kingdom Builder's Perspective

Sep 20, 2023

Every person has some measure of influence, whether vast or minute. From the spheres of our families to global platforms, our decisions, words, and actions invariably affect others. For kingdom builders, individuals committed to advancing God’s Kingdom on earth, this influence isn't merely a trait but a trust. The stewardship of influence is crucial in echoing the heart of God and directing people toward Him.


  1. Recognizing the Source of Influence: All influence, whether it's over one individual or millions, comes from God. James 1:17 reminds us that every good gift comes from above. When we recognize God as the source of our influence, we position ourselves as stewards rather than owners.
  2. Influence as Service, Not Status: Jesus modeled this principle perfectly. Although He had the highest status in existence, He chose to serve (Mark 10:45). Kingdom builders use their influence not to elevate themselves but to serve others and point them to Christ.
  3. Prioritizing Integrity: Proverbs 22:1 notes that a good name is more desirable than riches. When kingdom builders maintain integrity, their influence becomes more authentic and effective. Influence without integrity can lead to disillusionment and mistrust.
  4. Multiplying Influence Through Discipleship: Jesus' primary method of spreading His message wasn't through grand speeches but through making disciples. Kingdom builders invest in people, teaching them and nurturing their spiritual growth, effectively multiplying their influence.
  5. Cultivating Wisdom: The realm of influence is rife with challenges. Kingdom builders seek God’s wisdom, grounded in Scripture and prayer, to navigate these complexities (James 1:5).
  6. Embracing Humility: Stewarding influence requires humility. Kingdom builders realize that any achievement or growth in influence is by God’s grace. This humility prevents pride, which Proverbs warns precedes a fall.
  7. Continual Learning and Adaptation:  Influence in one generation might look different in another. Kingdom builders stay relevant, understanding cultural shifts, and adapting methods while maintaining the timeless message of the Gospel.
  8. Setting Boundaries: While it's essential to utilize our influence, it's equally important to understand our limitations. Overextending can lead to burnout or diluted messages. Kingdom builders set boundaries to remain effective and healthy.
  9. Being Open to Accountability: No one is above reproach. Having trusted advisors and peers who can offer insights, corrections, or affirmations ensures that a kingdom builder's influence remains aligned with God’s purposes.
  10. . Keeping the Eternal Perspective: Kingdom builders steward their influence with an eternal perspective. It’s not about temporal successes but about eternal impact. The goal isn't personal legacy but God's glory and the expansion of His Kingdom.


In conclusion, stewarding influence isn't about holding power but about being a conduit for God's power. It's a profound responsibility and privilege. By embracing the principles of service, integrity, humility, and eternity, kingdom builders can ensure that their influence reverberates with Kingdom impact.


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