Kingdom Builders Blog

Kingdom Builders: Participate in Finishing the Task

Sep 27, 2023

Kingdom builders, often associated with Christian leaders, believers, and missionaries, have a divinely-ordained role to play in global evangelization. The phrase "finishing the task" commonly refers to the endeavor of ensuring that the Gospel reaches every tribe, tongue, and nation. As the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 instructs, believers are called to make disciples of all nations. Here's how kingdom builders can actively participate in this monumental endeavor.


  1. Prayer: Prayer isn't just the starting point but the continuous fuel that drives evangelization. Kingdom builders must uphold their missions, missionaries, and the unreached in constant prayer. Praying for open doors, protection, provision, and receptivity is vital
  2. Strategic Mobilization: Investing in mission training programs helps prepare individuals to be effective in cross-cultural evangelism. Consider establishing or supporting missionary training schools or short-term mission trip programs.
  3. Financial Support: Many missions organizations depend on financial contributions to function. Kingdom builders, whether individuals or churches, can allocate resources to support missionaries, provide for their needs, and fund projects that advance the Kingdom.
  4. Networking: Collaboration between churches, mission agencies, and individuals amplifies the impact. Networking facilitates the sharing of resources, knowledge, and opportunities.
  5. Adopting Unreached People Groups**: Some organizations offer programs where churches or groups can "adopt" an unreached people group, committing to pray for them and develop strategies for outreach.
  6. Using Technology**: With the advent of digital platforms, it's easier to reach global audiences. Kingdom builders can invest in or support digital evangelism platforms, apps, and online courses.
  7. Local Evangelism**: Not all missions are overseas. Many communities have diverse populations, allowing for local evangelism and discipleship of people from unreached nations. Kingdom builders can identify these opportunities within their communities.
  8. Continuous Education**: - The world is always changing, and so are the methods and challenges of evangelism. Staying informed about world events, cultural shifts, and advancements in missiology ensures that strategies remain relevant.
  9. Holistic Ministry**:- Meeting physical needs often opens doors for the Gospel. Consider supporting or establishing ministries that provide medical care, education, clean water, or other essential services.
  10. Encouraging Vocational Missionaries**: Not all missionaries are full-time evangelists. Encourage believers in various professions to see their vocations as platforms for the Gospel. For instance, a teacher or a doctor can be a light in areas where traditional missionaries might not have access.


In conclusion, "finishing the task" is not the responsibility of a select few but of the entire Body of Christ. As kingdom builders, we are all equipped with unique resources, skills, and callings that, when combined, can expedite the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Let's embrace our roles and work in unity toward this eternal goal.

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